
“The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled.” ~ Plutarch

Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence. ~ Robert Frost

Thursday, July 21, 2011

It's Teacher-Share Time...Share Your Great Ideas!

Hello Teachers!

I hope you are have a restful summer. I have been sporadically, as I'm sure some of you have also been, working on lesson plans and preparing in general for the upcoming school year. Innovative and interactive lesson plans seems to be one of the main priorities in improving classroom instruction while following the state's curricula.

So, come on, creative and dynamic K-12 teachers out there...share a few of your best class activities, projects, tips that you have found to be successful and exciting for your students!

1 comment:

  1. Teach a 20-minute lesson project:
    This project is for my 11th & 12th grade AP & IB students. I created a detailed grading rubric which required that the student or small group of students research their topic,include information on various aspects of the topic, and the implications of their findings. The final product include a type-written lesson plan (obj, warm up assignment, instruction, practice, and some type of non-graded assessment), copy of handouts and assessments, powerpoint, and a reflective essay.
    Each year the students comment on how much they learned and enjoyed doing this project, so I continue giving this assignment at least once a year.
